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Equipment Management

Wennsoft Inc. ( has been a Microsoft Gold partner for many years. They specialize in software for companies involved in hard hat industries. Their software is popular among construction, power generation, industrial equipment, heating, ventilation and air conditioning companies.

The equipment management module can be used by companies that maintain their own equipment. It can also be used by companies that maintain equipment for other organizations.

Equipment maintenance can be expensive. In addition, it is difficult to track the costs associated with individual pieces of equipment. The equipment management module provides a sub-ledger which solves these difficulties.

WIP and maintenance expenses can be viewed in summary at the general ledger level. WIP and maintenance expenses can be viewed in detail at the sub-ledger level. Sub-ledger reports can be generated by equipment, equipment group or job.

Wennsoft Product Overview - page 4 (pdf)
Main Features
  • Maintain an equipment register
  • Create equipment groups for easy reporting and analysis
  • Track company specific information in user defined fields
  • Track maintenance jobs by piece of equipment
  • Track useful information such as equipment location, condition, meter readings, specifications, special features, etc.
  • Generate work orders using Wennsoft's Service Management module
  • Create maintenance contracts
  • Set up and automatically run scheduled maintenance jobs
  • Link each piece of equipment to an asset record in the Microsoft Dynamics GP fixed asset register
  • Create adhoc reports using SQL Server Reporting Services